Monday, March 7, 2011

The current police situation in Cairo

These days Cairo is not the safe city we were used to, the police force isn't working in many of Cairo's districts and due to the released prisoners (who most probably were released by the x-regime) the streets are far from safe. There have been rumors about mass resignations from the police corps, also the few policemen who are actually in the streets aren't really doing their job, and it's not about lack of resources or having their stations burnt down (again most people believe they did that themselves), it's an attitude issue. There are many stories about how they called for police help and they were told that now that the country is under the people's control people should help themselves.

This can be easily understood if you examine the reasons why people join the police force to begin with, after all it doesn't pay that well and once you join you can't quit, you can't really come and go as you please and you are basically a glorified government employee. I don't think most of the of the people who join police care about this country or are in to protect Egypt and make it a better place to live in, they mostly join because of the prestige associated with being a police officer, knowing that you are above the law and can do lots of things normal people can't and not even get questioned, also being a police officer facilitates lots of things for you, starting a business is easier, getting all the required approvals is a piece of cake, and if you end up in SS or a similar place you've made it and you are set for life. Now after 25Jan they've lost most of these perks, as well as face after all what they've done to the Egyptian people,  and they are now stuck with a measly salary and most of them can't even quit without paying an obscene amount of money to the government. Simply there is nothing to motivate them to get out of bed everyday and protect Cairo, especially now most people feel that they've betrayed them. The only hope I have now that most of the young officers come from good families, they have ethical values somewhere inside of them, perhaps with the proper motivation they can end up becoming the police force we've always been dreaming to have.

The past paragraph is about police officers, as for deputies (omana2 al shorta) these people join the police force to make money by using their powers, I think 90% of them is corrupt if not more, the academy for police deputies allows undereducated lower classes of people to serve in the police force assisting officers, they do their best everyday to find new ways to get as much money as they can from any citizen that crosses their path, I don't think I've ever met a clean deputy, I highly doubt they can become clean because they simply aren't paid well enough and they joined the police force for the wrong reasons to begin with, I hope they prove me wrong but I doubt it is possible.

Or we can always outsource our police force.

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