Saturday, July 30, 2011

On People Switching Sides, and The Apology They Owe Me

I remember right before Mubarak's resignation, many many people used to call several of the talk shows, crying asking for the president to stay, stating that they believe in him and they believe that he is the best one who's ever ruled or will rule Egypt, and that he should keep on ruling it. Normal people, talk show hosts, and even celebrities. Each and every one of them listed their reasons to why they believe Mubarak is the best person they ever known or will know. Even after his departure several demonstrations (not sure if you can call them demonstrations)  appeared against his departure.

Now that the dust has settled, My question is, where did these people go, why are they silent know that we know the extent of corruption created and managed by him and his family? where did they go? why don't they come on tv now and explain them selves, why did they think he was a good person? and if they still do. As a matter of fact I feel that I need an apology, these people were working against Egypt and for Mubarak, they wanted to influence the public opinion corrupting it, and I'm sure they didn't believe in what they were saying, they just said it hoping to advance their career, they said it for no purpose other than winning a point with a dying regime by stabbing the millions who believed in them, these people stabbed us in the back, they stabbed me in the back....and they must apologize for what they've done. 

Tahrir TV, managed to put up a show about the so called artists and their opinions about whats going on, and to stay objective she explained the reasons behind that, how the regime behaved with artists who weren't inline. Notice how the Egyptian TV played moving back ground music to their calls, also Doaa Sultan raised a really good question, did they reach the channel on their own? or did the channel reach them?, I hope Doaa Sulta survives the forces of evil, because I bet she's got armies of haters now.

My observations now, is that these same people are appearing on TV now, praising the glorious 25th of January revolution, the revolution that liberated them! They just switched masters from one tyrant to another...

One final observation here, Amr Adeeb, one of the highest paid talk show hosts, who works exclusively with cable channels, appeared on Mehwar to talk about the revolution right before Mubarak's departure, and he deviously manipulated his hosts to make it sound as if they either have agendas or they want this all to end, he was Mubarak's last and most lethal secret weapon...once Mubarak was out, he appeared crying on TV and stating how he's been oppressed and how he's been banished by the regime, and then he goes back to his cable show...If he really cared about his fans he'd have stayed on that public channel he was on right, UNLESS he was brought there for a certain and specific task, I wonder if my tax money was used to pay him.

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