Thursday, June 30, 2011

جرافيتي المصريين

حب المصريين للرسم و الكتابة علي الحوائط يعود إلي بداية الدولة ذات نفسها، منذ بدء التاريخ حاول المصريون الكتابة علي الحوائط و عندما لم يجدوا حوائط للكتابة، تم بنائها، فعليا المعابد العملاقة التي بنها الفراعنه، بحوائطها المهيبه هي مجرد تعبير عن حبهم للكتابة علي   الحوائط، لا اعتقد ان هناك ثقافة اخري في العالم كتبت علي الحوائط اكثر من المصريين، هذا الجزء من الثقافة استمر عبر السنين متحديا كل محاولات تغيره. أذكر جيدا زيارتي لصخرة عجيبة في مرسي مطروح و لمن لا يعرف صخرة عجيبه هي صخرة محاطة بالأمواج و صخور مغطاه بالطحالب جاعلة الإنزلاق إلي الامواج احتمال وارد جدا, و في اقصي مكان منها وجدت كتابات علي الحائط الصخري المواجه للإمواج في مكان لا موضع فيه لقدم، لابد ان من كتبها إلتصق في الحائط مبديا خصائص عنكبوتيه كي لا ينتهي بي الحال بين الأمواج و الحائط، و من الخط و الأسامي استنتجت قدم الكتابه، لابد ان من كتبها شيخ مسن الأن. عندما بني مقر بنك فيصل الإسلامي في مصر لم يغفل من صممه لهذه الحقيقه، بل كتب علي حوائطه الأيات القرأنيه التي تعكس اسباب وجوده.

حب المصريون للكتابه علي الحوائط يظهر في الأزمات، او ماتشات الكره، او الإنتخابات، او مواسم الدروس الخصوصيه، من منا لم يري الكتابات عن "امبراطور التاريخ" او "اينشتين الفيزياء" . لكن اعتقد ان من ابتدع فكرة الأعلان عن منتجاته علي الحوائط هو محمود عبد الرازق عفيفي فقد استخدم طرقا تتبعها الأن شركات الإعلانات الكبري "الشوك فاليو" صدم المشاهد و اثارة فضوله بما يكفي ليفكر في منتجك، علي مدخل المقطم كتب "البقعه علي فستان مونيكا تخصني".  و كان يوقع كل كتاباته بإسمه، اعتقد انه من بدأ جرافيتي الإعلانات في القاهرة.  و لعقد كامل اكثر ما كتب علي الحائط كان إعلانات تدور في فلك الدروس الخصوصيه و سنتر كابتن الروبي الذي يؤهلك للكليات والمعاهد العسكريه. 

مع احداث يناير و اعادة إكتشاف المصريين انفسهم ظهر مد جديد للجرافيتي، جرافيتي يعبر عن رأيي المصريين في ما يحدث في بلدهم، و خلال عدة ايام تطور ليصل لمستوي الأعمال الفنيه التي تجبرك علي التوقف و التفكير. الجميل في الجرافيتي انها تظهر مستوي الإبداع للمؤيدين لفكرة معينه.  ل هناك عدة علامات مميزة لكل من مؤيدي و معارضي النظام المخلوع، فمؤيدي النظام عادة ما يوقعون بأساميهم، أظن ان هذا له علاقة بانهم مرتزقة يدفع لهم لينشروا هذه الكلمات، ايضا يبدوا مستوي تعليمهم جليا عند إستخدامهم كلمات مثل (حائك "حقك"، ولاهي "ولله") مكتوبه عادة بخط سيئ مستخدمين دوكو من نوع ما، هي في الحقيقه تلوث بصري. لكن في رأيي اهم شيئ فهو عجزهم التام عن الإبداع، فهي هي نفس الكلمات بنفس الأسلوب في هي الكلمات التي لقنت اليهم، فكي تبدع عليك ان تشعر بما  تقول لا ان يملي عليك. اما مناهضوا النظام السابق فيمكنك ان تري الإبداع الذي ينتج اعمالا فنيه تسعد من يراها و تخاطب فكره.

رسم هذا اثناء الأستفتاء علي التعديلات الدستورية، اي ان مبارك لا دخل له  في الموضوع اصلا

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Ring road waiters

as i see it the only people really benefiting from traffic are the street vendors and ad agencies, everyday hundreds of thousands of people, basically the entire egyptian workforce spends several hours a day stuck in traffic offering a customer base that so far hasnt been tapped into.

today while driving to work this crazy idea popped into my head, since i have skipped breakfast i was rather hungry and even though i was surrounded by street vendors, none of them was selling anything that looked safe enough to eat as a matter of fact everything they sold catered to working classes that didnt have that many health concerns, i bet they made a really tiny profit per item sold since working classes can only pay few pounds for breakfast, however at that time of day this section of the ring road had more private cars than trucks, i.e. people who were willing to pay several times more if they felt it was safe for them to buy and consume what they are selling without ending up in the hospital. so my idea is starting this company selling items ud find in say on the run to people on ring road, clean, safe and has a 150% markup, the way i see it the only 2 problems such a project would face would be 1 storage, as in finding a place to store the items being sold in healthy and safe conditions, and 2 protection, since these street vendors wouldnt allow our employees (ill call them ringroad waiters) to compete with them, i dont think theyll realize that we are targeting a totally different market segment that they cant interact with. the first problem can be solved using a portable cooler or a parked equiped car, problem 2 however would require hiring thugs for protection or getting some kind of police protection.

the good thing about this concept is that at least traffic would be serving someone, and idworkforce spends several hours a day stuck in traffic offering a customer base that so far hasnt been tapped into. and more importantly I get to have proper breakfast while en route to work.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

حق العودة للمنزل...الزحام القاتل

اتصلت الأيام لتصبح ذكري واحده، رحله من و إلي العمل اقضيها في إدعاء انني استثمر وقتي في شيء مفيد، بوصولي البيت اكون استنفذت طاقتي و غير قادر علي فعل اي شيء غير مشاهدة التلفاز، او إدعاء القراءه و انا في الحقيقه افكر في رحلة الغد. يوم العمل اصبح شيئ ثانوي مقارنة بالرحلة منه و اليه، العمل الذي اصل اليه مرهقا لدرجه تجعلني امضي النصف الأول من اليوم متعافيا من صدمة الرحلة و النصف الأخر مفكرا في الرحلة للمنزل و إذا كانت ستأخذ ساعة ام ساعتين من الضغط المتواصل علي الدبرياج.

الطريق من و الي العمل اصبح المكان الذي امضي فيه اغلب وقتي، قبيح محاط بمباني مخالفه مبنيه بالطوب الأحمر خلسه علي ارض زراعيه، الهواء ثقيل برائحة ابخرة الديزيل. يحول الزحام الناس مبرزا اسواء ما فيها، كل من علي الطريق هدفه الأساسي الوصول الي المنزل مهما كانت التكلفه، و من وجهة نظره الناس المحيطه به ليسوا بشر بل زحام يجب تخطيه، بل هم مصدر تعاسته اليوميه...فتري الناس تتبادل النظرات العدائيه علي الطريق.

عادة ما أبدء الطريق بمخطط واضح لما سأفعل اليوم بمجرد وصولي إلي المنزل، تنهار هذه المخططات ببلوغي منتصف الطريق، بطريقة ما اصبح الطريق الدائري هو الحائط الذي تتحطم عليه المخططات و الأحلام...لا مفر منه و لا حل له غير الصبر و الدعاء. أثر في كافة اوجه حياتي، العمليه و الشخصية، الساعات التي امضيها علي هذا الطريق كان يكمنها ان تغير حياتي كليا، مجموع الساعات التي يقضيها من يستخدمونه يمكن ان تبني دولة جديده من الصفر.

معظم السيارات علي الطريق يوجد بها شخص او اثنين علي الأكثر، مما يعني ان اغلب الدائري ممتليء لكنه غير مستغل، معظم الناس تمضي رحلتها وحيده في سياراتها، انا لا أعلم إذا كان هذا له علاقة بالطرق المختلفه ام بثقافتنا التي فتت روح الفريق و الروح الأجتماعيه، السياره التي تقل واحد فقط هي فعلا تضيع 80% من المساحة التي كان يمكن استخدامها، بمعني ان كل 5 سيارات يمكن تحويلها لسياره واحدة مما يعني الن الزحام ممكن ان يختفي...اعتقد ان الحل في جعل الوقود غالي لدرجة تجعل كل شخص يفكر مرتين قبل التحرك بسيارته، علي اية حال التكلفة الكليه ستكون واحدة لأن الأن و علي الرغم من السعر المنخفض للوقود يحرق معظمه بغير تحرك...اي ان معظم الوقود يحرق لزيادة حرارة الجو، زيادة الأبخرة السامه، إتعاس الأخرين و اسبابا اخري عديده ليس منها التحرك. الفكره إن اذا كان الوقود اغلي ثلاث مرات لكن متوسط السرعه ارتفع من حوالي 25 كم إلي 60 كم لن يتغير المبلغ المدفوع بل فعليا ستزداد ساعات اليوم و الأنتاجية العامه للناس.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Romero Ad

I have a confession to make, I've recently developed this phobia from commercial break. whenever one starts I either put the TV on mute, leave the room or change the channel...The reason behind that is the Romero cheese ad, I think the creators of thought that creating a cheesy ad for cheese would be cool, so they went as cheesy as possible.

Ripping off perhaps one of the most well known songs in the last 3 years, they used Lady Gaga's Bad Romance for as a jingle, then they went to hire the weirdest looking kids ever, calling them models would be an insult to all the real models out there, and to make sure they get the maximum result they had the screen split into 4 parts, to ensure you saw all of them during the entire ad, and sometimes seeing the same person twice. so here is a run down of the characters in that the way I'm curious about the demographic they are targeting with this ad, its too hip for housewives, and too ..... (put insanely obscene word here) for the rest of the people.

The Fat Lady:

Out of place she is cooking something in a salad bowel, not sure what it is but it doesn't look cheese related, you can tell that she doesn't fit in, but she is doing her best, I think she represents the targeted customers by this ad...perhaps the message of the ad is, buy our cheese and you'll be just out of place as she is.

The Pouting Girl:

Throughout the ad I keep wondering is she pouting, bulimic or what exactly. Throughout the ad she is either pouting or stuffing her mouth with cheese...She must be a new comer cause I've never seen her in any ad before, and I don't think any pro would accept appearing in such an ad.

The ....:

I Can't find a way to describe my feelings towards that guy, whenever I see him I feel my insides cringe from pain...irritating doesn't do him just, he is beyond irritating. He is a class of his own, and someone really should come up with a word to describe him.

The Kid:

Barely seen from behind the kitchen counter, you can tell he loves cheese and mischief though.

I don't think the person who chose that jingle for this ad really listened to the song, as in listened and understood the song, I mean it goes "I want your ugly, I want your diseased", is that the type of cheese you'd like to eat, as a matter of fact I don't want Lady Gaga to be associated with anything I eat, she is sick, I love her but she is SICK...

Surprisingly turns out this ad was stolen from a music video...The person behind this amazing ad is no one other than ("Hala Mahran") the creator of other amazing ads such as the sparkle bamby bamby bamby ad.

Finally I'd like to point out that its not even real cheese, not cheddar cheese anyway, usually cheddar cheese gets sold for 4 times this price, the point is, its a Cheddar Flavoured cheese, rather than cheddar or cheese for that matter.

Yesterday driving around Cairo I spotted a van with the romero banner printed on it, I automatically reached for the remote to change the channel thats how much I hate that ad....Romero, thank you for destroying my TV experience.

Friday, June 10, 2011

الديكتاتور العادل، الكاذب الصادق، و الحرامي اﻷمين

منذ عدة ايام كنت اتحدث مع صديقا لي و خلال الحوار ذكر شيئا عن الديكتاتور العادل، و ان المخرج الوحيد لمصر هو الديكتاتور العادل فالشعب غير مستعد للديمقراطيه، مرددا نفس المفاهيم التي كنت اعتقد فيها منذ عدة سنين ادرك اﻷن ان هذا خطأ تماما. خاصة ان مصر قد نالت نصيبها من الدكاترة العدلين (من وجهة نظرهم طبعا). 

مبدئيا ما هو الديكتاتور العادل، مفهومي الديكتاتور العادل هو حاكم يحكم بغير استشارة او مراجعة غيره، لكنها يعمل لمصلحة شبعه ودولته فينفذ ما يريد بغير نقاش و مراجعه، فوق القانون فهو لديه قدرة سنه، فوق المراجعه فهو يعين و يقيل كل من يمكن ان يراجعه، و كطبيعة البشر يبدأ الناس في نفاقه و تفخيم اعماله رغبة في تجنب بطشه او الحصول علي رضاه. سرعان ما يحاط بمن يمجدونه و لا يسمحون لإحد اخر ان يسمع صوته. في النهايه يفقد الديكتاتور العادل إتصاله بالواقع و يصبح كل ما يراه مشوش ليخدم مصلحة شخصا ما او اخر. و بمضي الوقت يصبح هناك مجموعه من االأشخاص تستمد نفوذها منه و لا تسمح له بالتخلي عن السلطة. الديكتاتور العادل هو عادل في نظره هو فقط، في الحقيقه اي ديكتاتور هو عادل امام نفسه، مثله مثل اي شخص عاقل، فعادة لا يرتكب احدا خطىء و هو عالم انه خطىء.  كلمة الديكتاتور العادل في حد ذاته هي مثل كلمة الكاذب الصادق، او العادل الظالم. فالديكتاتوريه والعدل لا يمكن إجتماعهم في شخصا واحد، فالديكتاتور قد ظلم لمجرد عدم الإستماع لغيره و قصر الحكم علي نفسه.

تاريخيا مر علي مصر عدد اكبر من الديكاتره العادلين عن اي دولة اخري. لكن اظن ابرزهم هو محمد علي، قد يختلف معي البعض مفضلا عبد الناصر لكن محمد علي  هو مؤسس مصر الحديثة و اسسها مستعينا بمفهوم الديكتاتور العادل. فبعد قيام عمر مكرم و رجال الدين بثورتهم علي خورشيد باشا عام 1805 و اختيارهم لمحمد علي ليحكم مصر كديكتاتورا عادل قام بنفيه، متخلصا من الزعامه الشعبية و اعقب ذلك  تخلصه من كل من يمتلك القدرة علي مقاومته في مذبحة القلعة ضامنا لنفسه إنفراده بالحكم، قام بعد ذلك ببناء مصر مصدرا قرارات عارضها و كرهها معظم الشعب لكنه من وجهة نظره كان يبني البلد و قد كان، لكن دافعه كان إمتلاكها و ليس مصلحة الشعب، بدليل انه قايض إستقلال مصر لقاء تمليكه مصر هو و اولاده من بعده. خلال حكمه لم يكن لإحد رأي غير رأيه، لم يستطع احد التكلم بغير المخاطرة بحياته.

السبب الرئيسي في تخيل الناس ان الديكتاتور العادل هو الحل الأمثل لمصر ان الشعب ليس علي القدر الكافي من الوعي لإختيار الأفضل للبلد، و لذلك يجيب ان يقاد بدلا من ان يقود. الفكرة ان الديمقراطيه تحتوي علي تلك الاليه لسبب وجيه، بصفه عامه يزداد الجهل كلما انخفض المستوي المادي و الأجتماعي للمواطن، و بطبيعة الحال و الشكل الهرمي للمجتمع يزداد العدد كلما انخفض المستوي، مما يعني ان صوتهم اقوي في اي انتخابات. الفكرة وراء هذه الأليه ان هؤلاء الناس علي عددهم هم اضعف من في المجتمع و اكثرهم احتياجا للمساعده، و لذلك يضمن ان من يريد الفوز سيضطر الي التوجه اليهم و كسبهم في صالحه، و علي مستوي الدوله لضمان الحكومه عدم خراب البلد خلال قرارات سيئه مصوت عليها من هؤلاء الناس تجبر الحكومه علي عدم اهمالهم و تثقيفهم بما يكفي ليقوموا بالأختيار الصحيح...و بذلك يوجه القدر المناسب من الرعايه لأدني مستويات المجتمع و بالنهوض بهم ينهض المجتمع ككل.

الشق الثاني لأهمية الديمقراطيه، و انا لا اصدق انني مضطر ان اشرح مميزات نظام تم اثبات نجاحه لعدة الاف من السنين، هو المسئولية و الولاء. اي موظف عام كان او خاص يدين للولاء لما يبقيه في العمل، اي الموظف المنتخب سيكون ولاءه لمنتخبيه، الموظف المعين سيكون ولاءه لمن عينه. فكون الموظف العام معين خلال الإنتخاب يضمن ان الموظف سيكون مهتم بإرضاء ناخبيه، بغض النظر عن أخلاقياته فهو يريد ان يستمر في وظيفته، و خلال ذلك سيعمل لإصلاح المجتمع و سيكون مهتم ان يبحث ايجابيا عن حلول مبتكره لضمان إعادة انتخابه، ام الموظف المعين فولاءه لمن عينه، و يضع ارضائه نصب عينيه، وقد يكون الإرضاء خلال تحوير الواقع و خلق تقارير يعكس واقع مغاير و تقديمها لرئيسه، فالكذب علي فردا واحد اسهل كثيرا من الكذب علي العديد من الناس. المشكله فعلا ان الناس تخاف الديمقراطيه علي الرغم من انها ستعطيهم القدره علي تحديد مصيرهم.

أخيرا قارن بين صقحة عمر مكرم و محمد علي علي ويكيبيديا. احدهم خدم بلده، و اﻷخر خدم نفسه. فعلا التاريخ يكتبه المنتصر.

و بعدين مشكلتي الرائيسيه في كتابة الإنتري دي هي جمع كلمة ديكتاتور... 

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Some Mathematical Facts about Traffic

Stuck in traffic with nothing to do but to join other stuck people in that perpetual game of staring I chose to do compute some facts about traffic instead, So I got out my notebook and pen and started jotting down some numbers, Being in the drivers seat isn't an issue since doing 10Km/H hardly classifies as driving.

I'm assuming that everyday I spend an average of 2.5 hours driving to and from work.
Break down of the trip
That is 75 workdays a year dedicated to driving from and to work.

Per day you spend 31% of your personal none sleeping time driving, that's one third, and it doesn't even include driving anywhere else, I'm assuming you head home and stay there.

So obviously people would start doing other things while driving to make sure that this time isn't all wasted, as in some people listen to music, make phone calls, read! write!! and soon enough they'll be cooking as well!!! problem with that is, doing so they end up slowing down even more, and as a result, more and more time is spent stuck in the street.

Problem is that this is a time spent in a polluted environment, smoke emitted by the cars surrounding you is toxic, and it builds up in your body over the years, rolling up the windows and having the AC on doesn't help the air it sucks in its self is polluted with this toxic cancer causing smoke.

The Osama Bin Laden Award for Achievements

Just the other day a friend of mine posted an article on facebook about how ahmed zewail accepted an award that was named an Israily scientist (wolf foundation award), he pointed out that this means that he is accepts and recognizes israel which means he is a traitor, betraying his country and his people by accepting that prize. It got me thinking, 
  1. Israel doesn't want us (arab's/muslims/middleast) to become better countries.
  2. Israel monitors our progress and when ever we have someone that excels in technology or in anything really they eliminate.
  3. Mustafa Musharafa and Samira Musa were assassinated by Israel, however lately they changed their policy from assassination to character assassination. 
  4. As it turns out all it takes for a country to shun out one if its most brilliant minds is receiving recognition or being associated in any sort way or form with Israel.
  5. So as Israel whenever i feel threatened by someone all i need to do is to thank him, and that would make his entire country hate him and even attack him.
  6. on the other hand if i want someone to make it big all i need to do is to act indifferent or attack him.
  7. Israel is not brilliant....our mass conscious is just corrupt and generally sick.

Knowing that every single nation on earth has this type of people, perhaps we should use that, whenever we find someone who is actually doing something for his country (given that we aren't on good terms with that country) we'd grant that person the OBL award, thus guarantying that his loyalty would be questioned by his people and govronment, all it'd take us is setting up a nicely sized award, and a logo that would look intimdating to westreners, and then plastering the internet with that person's photo along with the OBL logo, and his people would do the rest for us (I recomond having a klashinkof, a Quraan with a green backround and a fierce looking bearded guy on the logo).

Locally I'd recommend using the "Morties" The Mortada Mansour Prize for Intellectuals, With Mortada Mansour handing out the award himself, and the award cermony should be aired execlusively on the faraeen channel. Such an award would be a political carreer killer.

Finally I'd like to state the following Einstein and Marie Curie were Jewish, if they were alive they'd have most definitely been made heroes by Israel, and of course we'd have rejected them to work with us...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Ring Road Ecosystem

Having to spend at least 2 hours a day on the Ring Road everyday for around 2 years now I've reached the conviction that the Ring Road isn't just a normal motorway people spend hours stuck on everyday, its an Ecosystem...Just like sunk ships that end up supporting all sorts of marine creatures, the Ring Road supports all sorts of parasites that live off of the cars stuck in the infinite trip between its ends.

Once the traffic jam starts, and usually that's a less than half a kilo meter from the entrance of the ring road, you start seeing them, street vendors, selling everything starting from pastry to cigarettes and everything in between. Their number fluctuates depending on the severity of the traffic jam, but there is always at least 10 of them. Walking between the cars with their trays, selling stuff to the drivers be it trucks or normal cars everybody buys from them, after all if you spend a good portion of your day stuck in that stretch of road you might as well buy things to snack on and drink while there, they serve a purpose and have this symbiotic relationship with traffic. The same people are there consistently so you can tell that they've made a career out of it.

Another type of people living off of the Ring Road is beggars. As you progress through the ring road you see them, completely veiled women (montakebat) begging between the cars, some of them pushing a kid on a wheel chair. Obviously at some point someone figured out that this model works, and so several people repeated it, as a result we ended up with 3 identitical beggars, the three are dressed in the same way, their faces are covered so you can't tell who is whom and the three of them are pushing kids on a wheeled chairs, if you are going to beg on the ring road you might as well be original, i mean if you are going to do it every single day in the same spot for a couple of years, people are bound to figure out that you are fake, you need a new model, especially when people start copying it, whats the chances of having three women in need who happen to be all veiled and have a kid who looks the same being pushed on the same type of wheeled chair, and obviously they know and coordinate with one another I've once seen the three of them sitting together, chairs parked one next to the other and the kids where playing! In plain sight of the people driving on the ring road everyday!!

Later on the day and during the drive home  and on the other direction of the ring road you see another type of street vendors, as it gets hotter they start selling beverages out of dirty blue barrels and in plastic bags with a straw in obviously unhygienic but they must be making a healthy profit or they wouldn't be there everyday, and of course another type of beggars appears essentially they are the same veiled women but this time they have incense or equally invaluable items in front of them.

Obviously these people are well organized, no two people sell the same thing and I've never seen them fighting which doesn't seem natural unless they have reached a certain agreement or they all work for someone or somehow reached which is a lot more likely. They serve a need and have a symbiotic relationship with traffic, a friend of mine has this theory that they are actually causing the ringroad traffic jam as people slow down to buy from then buy I personally don't think that's correct, however I know that they'd hate to see the ringroad flowing unjammed. As for the beggars I think they are only their cause someone is stupid enough to give them money which makes pushing that wheeled chair up to the ring road lucrative enough to do everyday. People if she is fit enough to push that chair all the way to the ring road she is fit enough to work, also I don't think that kid is hers and if he was hers he'd better be taken away from her. Think about it you are a pious Muslim woman with a handicapped child and u r out if means does pushing your kids wheeled chair on the ringroad all day begging for money sounds logical?

I however dont think that its all their fault, they just found a need and they are filling it, if they were removed by force others will just take their place, and playing a game of hide and seek with them on the ring road doesn't seem possible, as a matter of fact if you arrest them all other's woud replace them the next day, after all you dont need anything more than a wheeled chair, a veil and a sickly looking kid and you are set. however if people stop giving them money or even better if somehow a mechanism is found to provide them with jobs that they can make a living out of they'd just stop doing that, after all walking the ring road all day, you wouldnt mind doing any job that requires a minimal skill level and actually produces something that can add to the national GDP.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Well known facts that we choose to ignore.

1. People in the 1800 felt exactly as you do, that they are at the epitome of technology, in a way they were all the technology they used were much more well developed than our relatively young technology.

2. You aren't fighting traffic, you are a part of traffic.

3. If a place you are trying to go to is crowded, its only because you and people exactly like you are trying to get in, hating them would include hating yourself.

4. Everyone is the main character of his story.

5. Everybody thinks they are right, if they thought they were wrong they'd not have done it.

6. People always believed in a magical remedy just around the corner that'd cure all, be it snake oil, electricity or laser, people always had something that'd cure all but just beyond our reach, currently its stem cells.

7. You aren't doing anything your parents, or grandparents, or even their grandparents didn't do at one point much better than you do, you aren't as unique as you think you are.

8. You are dying, every breath of air you take shortens your life just a bit.

9. It doesn't take a lot to kill a person, its a miracle you survived long enough to read this.

10. Most of the great people became great before the age of 30, if you aren't almost 30 and aren't great, most probably you'll never be.

11. Communicating in English, even when talking an Egyptian/ Arabic audience means only one thing, you loath your own culture and trying to replace it.

12. Egypt isn't the biggest country in the world, not even the biggest arab country.

13. Ever since the Pharaohs, Egypt was never as great as you think it was, for a brief period we had great buildings but we were in debt.

14. Not everything was invented by the Pharaohs.

15. Sideburns and Charleston pants were at some point cool, just as cool as the torn jeans you wear to feel cool.

16. The possibility of you buying the car of your dreams, or living in the house you dream off is slim to none, if you ever achieve it, know that you don't have good imagination.

17. You'll meet the girl of your dreams after getting married.

18. We are designed in a way that we always aspire to what we don't have, life is a race that ends with your death 2 meters short of the finish line.

19. Death is the only fact in life...everything else is negotiable, you'll die soon.

20. The things that influence you the most in life are usually the things you can't prove or measure.

21. You can either live life or talk about it.

22. No one likes his job, if you've spent 3 months in one job and your job is still fun, then you are a slow learner.

23. Owning an IPhone doesn't make you special or unique, in fact its the best selling phone ever, millions of people have it, owning a Nokia does.

24. Same goes to chrome 160 000 000 users now.