Monday, April 11, 2011

Cairo Traffic, DUCK YOU!!

Everyday I spend at least 3 hours stuck in traffic on my trip to and from work, these 3 hours are enough to turn me off from doing anything else during the day, by the time I'm home I don't feel like doing anything other than laying on the couch and spending whatever is left of my day watching TV like a zombie. I should be reading something or going out with friends however due to the trip home usually I'm too drained to do any of this.

I think that the state of traffic alone is responsible for severely degrading my social life as well as my intellectual ability, on the other hand though it improved my cursing skills, and my ability to day dream while driving, placing myself anywhere but here. Realistically though, by the time I reach work I'm too tiered to do anything let alone be creative and passionate about anything, i just want to sit down and lift my feet for a while, by the time I'm over the morning trip its time for the trip after day, by the time its weekend, I choose staying home over doing anything else, after all avoiding traffic becomes a target of its own.

Staying in some other country the day seemed to go on forever, I got home in like 20 minutes and then had the whole day for myself to do anything i want to with, and most of the time i was stuck not knowing what to do, and after doing everything i want to do, which included going out for dinner, then a walk then back home for 1 hour of reading, slept at 10 PM because I had nothing more to do, and thus i was able to wake up early and refreshed. However in Egypt i usually never sleep before 1am, no matter how early i have to get up the next day, the reason being that otherwise my life would be just divided into two parts, work and traffic, with no me time at all.

I've been dealing with traffic since I started driving and hence i developed several habits to help me pass time such as reading while driving, audio books, always having food and drinks in the car and of course doing all my phone calls and effectively practicing my social life during my drive home, at one point i even started watching movies and series on my way home. I know its dangerous to do these things while driving but lets agree on the following to be driving you must be going at an average speed higher than 30km/h. Currently my average speed is 15Km/ record high speed was 60Km/h and low speed was 3Km/h.

The problem is, these traffic jams, happen for no reason, and everyday its a new excuse, things such as
"Its a sunday, dakhlet esboo3 3o2bal amaltak"
"Its tuesday, tuesday dayman wa2ef"
"Its a thursday, khamees ba2ah w kedah"
"Asl el denia mataret embare7!"
"Asl fee 7adtha on the other side of town"

I'm starting to settle into the conviction that this is going to be me life, split equally between work and traffic, and if i want to do anything personal i should either skim from work or from my sleeping hours (6 now), the problem is traffic always win fel akher, no matter how smart you are, you come with the smartest shortcut only to be faced by this unlikely accident blocking it and you end up stuck for 3 hours. I think its a part of my human rights to be able to go to and from my work in less than 3 hours a day, and i believe that if we look for the biggest reason for productivity degradation it'll be traffic.

This entry is just a rant, not structured and is not meant to be taken seriously, i'm just giving traffic a piece of my mind.

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