Friday, March 4, 2011

I dont believe in democracy!!

This is an entry I wrote back on August 2009.

I don't believe in democracy and never did, democracy is the perfect way to get uneducated, underprivileged and even mentally challenged people to decide for people who actually spent some effort to become better people by studying or investing (in themselves or in society).

the effect of mob mentality usually takes priority for any decision made by uneducated groups, or even slightly educated ones. even if we ignore the "mob mentality" factor, educated/cultured/smart people usually represent a small percentage of any community, however in developed nations (like the Scandinavians) the average is closer to the top than it is to the bottom, on the other hand in developing countries it's the exact opposite. it is in fact the duty of the elite to guide the nation, to help those less fortunate people into becoming all that they can be, manage their resources and even stopping them from hurting them selves.

Another factor is the minimum amount of income for a person to be able to make an unbiased decision, personally I don't think anybody can make a valid decision on an empty stomach, I know I can't, not to mention if other family members were starving as well. I believe that such a person can be easily tempted by promises or even worse money!

as an educated person I refuse to have an undereducated/un cultured person to take decisions for me, I however don't mind to have my decision influenced by their needs and aspirations, as it is my responsibility as well as their right.

A counter argument would be that the decisions should be made by the masses, and as time goes by these masses will develop a conscious and slowly but surely someday they'll be mature enough to take decisions. I totally agree to this point but I don't believe that the so called masses will move in that direction, I'm sure that they'll try to fulfill their basic needs (which is not wrong) then they are going to work really hard to make sure they'll never be hungry again (through ethical or an unethical acts), thus guiding the less fortunate in the wrong direction.

Another counter argument will be that only the educated/ cultured people would run for official positions, I totally disagree, I think a ghetto drug lord can easily finance such a thing, or in upper Egypt the family with the biggest influence can easily get someone into the people's assembly, and thus making my decisions for me.

I may come out as an elitist, which I actually am, how come when any of us needs a doctor or an engineer he searches for the one with the best education/ experience i.e. the elite, but yet again we can't bare the idea of having them rule us.

The district I'm living in, being one of Cairo's suburbs is filled with constructions workers who actually reside in the area, if a naive form of democracy was implemented, and the people living in this area were allowed to make every single decision can you imagine how life would be.

another example imagine if we apply democracy in religion, and voted on every single aspect, or rather every single interpretation of the religion, can you imagine what would happen if the masses got that privilege (personally I know I'm not able to make such decisions).

I'm working in a team, the team has freshly hired people as well as slightly more experienced ones, we make all the decisions that/which affect the team through voting, and as a result we make a lot of really stupid decisions based on the fact that the new comers are more or less naive and easily manipulated, and as a result we wind up making the same mistakes over and over again, every time we get a new batch of new comers. most probably this is what got me to write this piece first place.

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